Knowledge, one of human being’s evolutionary stages, can be attained in believers after abundant devotions and asceticism. Knowledge is the light of the heart and a sign of virtue and faith. Those without knowledge have hearts that are dark and empty of the light of faith. Knowledge along with worship and analysis are considered as the most important goals of creation. Thus, each disciple is required to learn the essential knowledge from masters and also show it in action.
With more than five thousand years of antecedence, yoga is one of the most ancient way of acquiring knowledge for it gives a deep understanding of human nature. Yoga is one of the best ways of attaining relaxation, controlling feelings, having concentration, doing meditation, reaching Samadhi and at the end, a practical experience of self-realization. This ancient knowledge evens up the path to reality by purifying self and giving a direct recognition of the depth of human nature.
The most important elements of knowledge are: knowing oneself and God. Self-realization is the ultimate stage of knowledge, which leads to knowing God. Masters have claimed that self-realization is the most profitable of all knowledge. Therefore, self-realization is the best wisdom and the most profitable knowledge. And the most naïve people are the ones who do not know themselves. Yoga attributes the most important reason of human suffering to ignorance about his real nature.
A human being is composed of three parts: body, soul, and spirit. “Spirit”, the central core and the main essence of human being, has originated from God and will also return to Him. “Body” is a means that is in our authority during the short time of living in the physical world; and is nothing more than a honesty.”Soul” is a part between body and spirit. There is a great difference between the nature of body and spirit. Body is terrestrial and spirit is celestial. As a result of these contrasts, they can not be easily united unless a third element which is the soul and that functions as a connector joins them. Some believe that, soul is the result of the dual relationship between body and spirit.
Yoga believes that human being is an abstract and single spirit, which has been separated from its cosmic source (God); also, the origin of all human sufferings is this separation, and reuniting with this cosmic source will only relieve these pains. Yoga can offer a suitable device for this reunion. Furthermore, the unity of body and the metaphysical aspects of human being is one of the aims of techniques in yoga. Even the word yoga has roots in this important issue, for yoga means unity and becoming one.
It is assumed that the self-realization that results in theology is knowing the spirit. Since knowing God completely is impossible, spirit has qualities that help us in knowing the Unique Creator. Perhaps, the best conclusion we can get from deep thinking in the subject matter of theology is to understand that we are unable to know God. But a touch of the depth of the nature of spirit is according to the following:
Spirit can not be sensed with the five senses and contacted through materialistic means. For example, we can not see or touch the spirit or communicate with it through telephone. In the same way, the omniscient God can not be sensed by the five senses and touched by materialistic means. The spirit is unique in the body, and does not have a special position although the signs of its presence are obvious in the whole universe, and despite not having any special location He is present every where. Spirit has the ability to stimulate and rule the body; the ability to stimulate and rule the world is also within God’s authority. Spirit is conscious of the body but body is unable to know the spirit; also, the omniscient God, has complete awareness of the whole universe but the creatures are unable to know Him. Spirit has existed before the creation of the body and will also exist after its death. God is also eternal.
Masters have stated that knowing oneself results in knowing God, disagreement with self results in agreement with God, dissatisfaction of self leads to satisfaction of God, abandoning self results in becoming close to God. Also, disobeying the desires of self leads to obeying God, becoming far from self causes nearness to God, turning away from self leads to having friendship with God, and for turning away from self, we should get help from God.
Knowing the honorable God is the highest level of knowledge and also a factor in the completion of knowledge. Knowing God causes love for Him, wanting nothing from people, letting go of the world, going beyond paradox and reaching unity. Theology is the power of the helpless, the light of any darkness and the cure of the sick.
There are three ways to know God. First, knowing Him through the signs in nature, which is done by common people; by learning about nature they get to know God. Second, knowing Him through the signs in oneself (self-realization) which is done by chosen people; they get to know God through their hearts. Knowing God through the signs in oneself is more beneficial for it is accompanied by the reform of one’s characteristics and deeds. The third way of knowing God is through vision, which is the way of saints and masters and not all can get to this knowledge. From another point of view, people can get to the knowledge of God in three ways. First, knowing God by means of senses and tangible issues. Second, by intellect and logical reasoning, and third, through inner revelation.
A person who acquires all the knowledge is called a Gnostic. Literally, Gnostic means learned, aware, and having insight into secrets. A Gnostic has reached self-realization and is involved in purifying oneself; he has reached piety and is moving towards God. He is always seeking knowledge and faith; he considers knowledge and faith the wings for flying towards God. The other features of Gnostics are: chastity, devoutness, purity, moderation, humbleness, and beneficence. Features like cruelty, lying, calumny, greed, and passion can not be found in Gnostics. In yoga, yama and nyama prepares human beings for reaching these levels. Asana and pranayama are also important means in this path, but the important part of reaching the above mentioned levels becomes possible through pratyahara, dharana, and dhyana and the ultimate stage is Samadhi.
With all the above mentioned importance of knowledge, we should ask ourselves, “Are we seeking for knowledge? Have we who claim to be in the path of development reached self-realization and theology? To what extent have we practically used knowledge? Have we found the real Gnostic to help us in this way? Have we gained a deep understanding of the truth of yoga?”