Friday, 15 June 2007

What is Reiki ?

What is Reiki ?
Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese name consisting of 2 words Rei and Ki meaning spiritually guided life energy (commonly known as Universal Life Energy), an energy which animates us all and is found all around us.
Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using "universal life energy" channelled through the practitioner to the recipient.
Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.
Reiki benefits:
• Promotes natural self-healing
• Balances the energies in the body
• Balances the organs and glands
• Strengthens the immune system
• Treats symptoms and causes of illness
• Relieves pain
• Clears toxins
• Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
• Enhances personal awareness
• Relaxes and reduces stress
• Promotes creativity
• Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
• Aids meditation and positive thinking
• Heals holistically
By: Dr. Motaleb Barazandeh; Faculty member of Universal Academy of Parapsychology ( UAP ).

10 Reasons To Learn Reiki

10 Reasons To Learn Reiki

1. Reiki connects you to universal energy so you can heal yourself whenever you feel the need. You can balance your body, mind and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self-healing.
2. If you are feeling that there is something missing in your life that you can’t quite pin point, chances are that it’s your spirituality. By learning Reiki you are re-connected to your higher self, which means you will become far more intuitive, enabling you to make better decisions and to feel far more ‘whole’.
3. Stress is recognised as a major contributor to so many illnesses in modern society. Reiki has an extremely calming effect, filling you with a sense of inner peace and serenity that will ensure that stress won’t rule your life. You will gain a sense of real self-purpose and inner clarity that may have eluded you previously.
4. Our lifestyles are incredibly busy and this takes a toll on our bodies as well as other areas of our life. Through continual self-healing at a physical level you can not only help to prevent illnesses occurring but you can use Reiki on actual physical injuries and problems from mild back pain to cancer. Reiki can help with any illness.
5. If you feel that your life lacks direction learning Reiki re-connects you with your true purpose in life and will leave you feeling far more focused about where you need to be heading and directing all your precious resources. Many people spend years feeling they are in the wrong job or wrong situation and Reiki opens your mind up to the things that you really need, perhaps not want but need. There is nothing quite so liberating.
6. Many people often feel that they are taking so much from life and yet giving so little back and are completely unsure of how to rectify this situation. If you take a Reiki course to practitioner level you are able to heal others as well as yourself. There is nothing quite like healing other people to make you appreciate your own situation and bring comfort to your life. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to share your gift of healing helping someone else who so desperately needs it and bringing happiness to someone else’s life.
7. Reiki has the potential to turn your whole life around for the better if you self heal every day and listen to your intuition. Your whole life becomes clearer and you really do realise what is important in life and what you can do without. Everything is put into perspective and you learn to appreciate so many things and really learn who are your friends and who are just using you.
8. Most people have emotional traumas in their life and what many do not realise is that the energy from these traumas is carried with you and has a negative effect on you, possibly for your whole life. Our traumas hold us back in life stalling self-development. By using Reiki on yourself you can remove the energy attached to those traumas so you will no longer feel any pain associated with the event. Once this has been achieved you are finally free to be yourself.
9. It is easy to get trapped in the cycle of old lifestyle patterns and issues, for example: following the same faddy diets that don’t work, making new years resolutions you know you will break every year, getting trapped by financial issues, working too hard, struggling in relationships. This can continue for your whole life. Reiki can change the way you deal with life, the way you deal with situations and relationships in a way that is much healthier for you. It might not happen in a conscious way but you will find that for instance someone who takes advantage of you normally will get a shock when you defend yourself and demand greater respect. You learn to love yourself more and also to love others but in a way that allows them to learn their lessons and never take you for granted.
10. The founder of Reiki Mikao Usui said that Reiki was the ‘art of inviting happiness’. This is very true. If you ask anyone if they are honestly really happy I doubt you will get a resounding yes from the majority. People often misconceive what real happiness is and associate it with wealth, material possessions or a successful career. Happiness is about so much more than that. Happiness comes from a profound understanding of the universe and knowing your place in the universe. If you choose to learn Reiki you will be set on the path to enlightenment. For some this is a short path, for others a much longer one but once you know you are on it you find what happiness is. Reiki is more than just a therapy it is the way of the universe.

By: Dr. Motaleb Barazandeh; Ph.D on Clinical Psychology, International Grand Master of Metaphysics & International Grand Master of Reiki

An Introduction to Reiki

An Introduction to Reiki

Reiki is a Complementary therapy treatment based around natural healing. The healer channels energy and passes it to the client. Reiki energy is regarded as life energy and can be very beneficial physically, emotionally and mentally for the client.

There are several effects that Reiki energy can have on a person:

• It creates a feeling of deep relaxation
• Toxins are removed from the body
• Energy blockages are removed
Reiki can be used to aid in the in the treatment of several ailments, such as:

Stress, depression, Pain, colds, flu, and conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome amongst many other conditions.

It heals by cleansing the meridians of the body and balancing all charkas. Done regularly Reiki will maintain good health and well-being. It is also known to make people feel generally happier, calmer and less stressed in their everyday life.

The treatment consists of the client lying on a massage couch to receive the energy. A normal session can be anywhere between half an hour to an hour and a half. During this time the body goes into a deeply relaxed state, which, unfortunately is not often reached anymore, due to our busy lives. The energy is absorbed in to the body, and this can continue to work for the next few days, depending on how depleted the body is. Some people find that they fall off to sleep during their sessions, and some just enjoy the feeling of complete relaxation, peace and warmth.

During the treatment you may feel a tingling session, along with hot or cold areas. Some people feel nothing. Do not worry, it does not mean that the energy is not having an effect, it is just the way different people react to their individual sessions. After the treatment some people go though what is called a ‘healing crisis’. This is the body’s natural way of healing the problem areas after the energy has been received. During this time some people feel generally low, unwell or weepy but this will pass after a couple of days, and usually leaves them feeling better than ever.

By: Dr. Motaleb Barazandeh; Ph.D on Clinical Psychology, International Grand Master of Metaphysics & International Grand Master of Reiki


Reiki means “Universal life force energy”, it is a spiritual healing discipline with its roots in ancient Buddhist teachings. Reiki is the vital life energy that flows through all living things, by channelling this energy self-healing can take place. By opening the mind and spirit - relaxation, balance and health can be achieved. Reiki is soothing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
The holistic healing of Reiki is difficult to explain and it is a unique alternative therapy. Reiki can create a strong sense of balance that leads to new levels of awareness and a commitment to wellness, creativity and growth. A treatment is very calming and can overcome both physical discomfort and emotional distress.
By: Dr. Motaleb Barazandeh; Ph.D on Clinical Psychology, International Grand Master of Metaphysics & International Grand Master of Reiki