Wednesday 16 May 2007

Reiki - Dr. Motaleb Barazandeh (Ph.D)

Reiki - 2

The word Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy" or “universal life-force energy”.
It is administered by "laying on hands" in different hand positions either directly on or just above the body, so that the energy worker allows for the flow of energy through their body. Reiki re-establishes a normal energy flow of ki (life force energy) throughout the system, which in turn can enhance and accelerate the body's innate healing ability. The client’s body then draws off the amount of energy that is required. The Reiki energy goes to exactly where it is needed so a Reiki Practitioner never needs to diagnose nor prescribe – nor does ethics or law allow them to.
The ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.
Reiki energy is a wonderful complement to other treatments. It is strongly recommended that you do not discontinue any medications or session plan your medical practitioner or other holistic healer has deemed necessary, unless you first speak with them personally.

The Benefits of Reiki:

Reiki works on all chronic and acute illnesses, like fatigue, headaches, back pain, flu, and also serious problems like cancer, heart disease and skin problems etc, by strengthening immune system.

The mind calms and becomes less erratic. You no longer feel stressed.
Brings emotional balance and eases depression, insomnia, lack of confidence, addiction and fear-based illnesses.

Increased intuition leads to a more purposeful direction in life. Feel connected and in tune with the universe.
The five principals of Reiki:

They offer a simple guideline for daily conduct with others and self. They are:
• Just for today, I will not anger
• Just for today, I will not worry
• Just for today, I will be grateful
• Just for today, I will work hard on myself
• Just for today, I will be kind to others

Reiki Levels:

Level One: Takes four to five days. The students learn the history of Reiki, the energy system, the nature of the Reiki energy, the five principles of Reiki, the three pillars of Reiki, the hand positions, self-healing and helping others.

Level Two: Takes two weeks. The students learn five Japanese healing symbols and distance Reiki sending. The symbols are used for manifesting permanent changes in life, empowering goals etc.

Level Three ‘A’ Master Practitioner: Takes four sessions. The students learn meditation techniques, Reiki Crystal Grids, Healing Attunement, the Violet Breath, and Psychic Surgery. The Master symbol is given but the student is not able to attune others.

Level Three ‘B’ Master/Teacher: Takes two days. The master symbol is introduced and practiced. So the students learn how to attune others to the Reiki energy and are able to teach Reiki to others.

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